


Pricing for Nigerian Students

Please find below the pricing for all students in Nigeria only.  

1) Here are the prices of the classes. 

Friendly Reminder: Prices are valid until August 15. Starting August 16, our store will switch to USD, so a course priced at CAD 299 will become USD 299. We encourage you to book your courses now to avoid any extra costs.

Prices of Classes
Group Classes Regularly scheduled Till August 15
Level Price (CAD)
Camp Millionaire Level 1 $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 2 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton) * $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 3 $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 4 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton) $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 5 $350.00
Private Classes 1:1 (5 hours each + app)
Camp Millionaire Level 1 $500.00
Camp Millionaire Level 2 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton) * $500.00
Camp Millionaire Level 3 $500.00
Camp Millionaire Level 4 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton) $500.00
Camp Millionaire Level 5 - 8 hours needed $800.00
Semi-Private Classes 3: 1 (5 hours each)
Camp Millionaire Level 1 $375.00
Camp Millionaire Level 2 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton)* $375.00
Camp Millionaire Level 3 $375.00
Camp Millionaire Level 4 (NOT NEEDED for Wharton) $375.00
Camp Millionaire Level 5 - 8 hours needed $600.00


* Please note: Level 2 includes Mutual Funds, Fixed Income, and ETFs. Only ETFs are required for Wharton. We propose covering ETFs in a 1-hour semi-private session. If parents prefer not to do this, participants can simply avoid trading ETFs in the competition.


2) Options for Wharton Competition 

Option 1: ALL Group Classes
Camp Millionaire Level 1 $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 3 (August 12-16) $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 5 (August 19 -23) $350.00
ETF Semi-Private 1 hour $75.00
Course Enrollment at Explorer Hop School for an online Ontario credit class in Math or Business at grade level. $250.00
TOTAL PRICE in CAD $1,273.00


Option 2- Semi- Private Level 1 + other group classes
Camp Millionaire Level 1 $375.00
Camp Millionaire Level 3 (August 12-16) $299.00
Camp Millionaire Level 5 (August 19 -23) $350.00
ETF Semi-Private 1 hour $75.00
Course Enrollment at Explorer Hop School for an online Ontario credit class in Math or Business at grade level.  $250.00
TOTAL PRICE in CAD $1,349.00


3) 4 participants needed

We need 4 participants for Wharton at a MINIMUM to have the team.  It would be incredible to have all 4 from Nigeria and take the first Nigerian team.  

4) To book classes

Please email Hasina at hasina@explorerhop.com and an invoice will be sent.  All payment to be received before the class starts

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