


Course Outline | Business | Financial Accounting Fundementals | BAF3M

Explorer Hop Academy

DEPARTMENT: Business Studies


COURSE DEVELOPMENT DATE: August 2021 (Revision August 2022) 

COURSE: Financial Accounting Fundamentals, Grade 11





COURSE CURRICULUM: Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Business Studies, 2006, (revised). A copy of this document is available online at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/business1112currb.pdf 

This course introduces students to the fundamental principles and procedures of accounting. Students will develop financial analysis and decision-making skills that will assist them in future studies and/or career opportunities in business. Students will acquire an understanding of accounting for a service and a merchandising business, computerized accounting, financial analysis, and ethics and current issues in accounting.

By the end of this course, students will: • describe the discipline of accounting and its importance for business; • describe the differences among the various forms of business organization; • demonstrate an understanding of the basic procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a service business.


  • Introduction to Accounting [~15 hours] Students will explore various accounting operations and the effects of these operations on individuals and businesses. Students will investigate the three professional accounting designations, and describe the focus of each group. They will be introduced to the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: a set of rules which govern the field of accounting. Finally, they will investigate the three main forms of business organization: sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation.
  • The Accounting Cycle [~35 hours] Students will explore the procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a service business, and a sole proprietorship. Students will examine the Accounting Cycle, which entails all the activities that are part of the collection, recording and analysis of financial information in a fiscal period. 
  • Merchant Accounting [~30 hours] Students will explore the accounting needs of a merchandising business, including the measurement and recording of inventory and costs.Students will examine the two key ways of handling inventory – periodic and perpetual inventory systems.
  • Accounting Software [~30 hours] Students will explore the commonly-used accounting software, QuickBooks online. Students will use this online software system for small businesses to track company income, expenses, and inventory in an efficient manner. Students will use the Online Edition that allows sales tax to be automatically tracked.

  • Course Strands

    The course will cover the following strand as outlined in Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Business Studies, 2006, (revised)  document: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/business1112currb.pdf 

    The details of the strands are included in the above link.

    Fundamental Accounting Practices

    • describe the discipline of accounting and its importance for business;
    • describe the differences among the various forms of business organization;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the basic procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a service business.

    Advanced Accounting Practices

    • demonstrate an understanding of the procedures and principles of the accounting cycle for a merchandising business;
    • demonstrate an understanding of the accounting practices for sales tax;
    • apply accounting practices in a computerized environment

    Internal Control, Financial Analysis, and Decision Making

    • demonstrate an understanding of internal control procedures in the financial management of a business;
    • evaluate the financial status of a business by analysing performance measures and financial statements;
    • explain how accounting information is used in decision making

    Ethics, Impact of Technology, and Careers

    • assess the role of ethics in, and the impact of current issues on, the practice of accounting;
    • assess the impact of technology on the accounting functions in business;
    • describe professional accounting designations and career opportunities

    Teaching and Learning Strategie

    Throughout the course, students are exposed to a variety of genres, and they develop skills to

    evaluate the effectiveness of texts which include short stories, non-fiction texts, poems, videos, and other media and texts from a wide range of resources and periods.

    Students will identify and use various strategies that include building vocabulary, learning to understand the organization of texts, and developing knowledge of conventions. Throughout the course, students develop into stronger readers, writers, and oral communicators by connecting literature and language to real world experiences. 

    Teachers will differentiate instruction to meet the diverse learning needs of students. Through the resources in the learning management system and weekly meets, students will have the opportunity to track their growth and progression, to reflect on the achievements, and to set goals for the journey ahead in order to develop their 21st century skills.

    Using a variety of instructional strategies, teachers will provide numerous opportunities for students to develop skills of inquiry, problem solving, and communication as they investigate and learn fundamental concepts. The integration of critical thinking and critical literacy will provide a powerful tool for reasoning and problem solving, and will be reflected in a meaningful blend of both process and content. 

    Throughout the course, students will:

    - Think Critically: students will learn to critically analyze texts and to use implied and stated evidence

    from texts to support their analyses. Students use their critical thinking skills to identify perspectives in

    texts, including biases that may be present.

    - Generate ideas and topics: students will be encouraged to design their own approaches to the material

    by maintaining frequent online communication with teachers who will facilitate choice in how students

    respond to topics and questions, and by encouraging students' independent thinking through discussions.

    - Research: various approaches to researching will be practiced. Students will learn how to cite sources

    and provide a Works Cited page at the end of longer assignments using MLA formatting.

    - Identify and develop skills and strategies: through modeling of effective skills, students will learn to

    choose and utilize varied techniques to become effective readers, writers, and oral communicators.

    - Communicate: numerous opportunities will be given to students to write and communicate orally, as well as develop listening skills.

    - Produce published work and make presentations: students will engage in the editing and revising

    process, including self-revision, peer revision, and teacher revision all of which strengthen texts with

    the aim to publish or present student work.

    - Reflecting: through the use of weekly reflections, drafts, discussions, and other elements of the course,

    students will reflect on the learning process, focus on areas for improvement, set goals, and make

    extensions between course content and their personal experiences.


    Our school's assessment and evaluation policy is based on seven fundamental principles, and follows the guidelines in the Ontario Ministry of Education’s Growing Success document. Teachers are expected to understand and follow these seven principles in order to guide the collection of purposeful information that will guide instructional decisions, promote student engagement, and improve student learning.

    To ensure that assessment, evaluation, and reporting are valid, reliable, and they lead to the improvement of all students, teachers use assessment and evaluation strategies that:

    1. are fair, transparent, and equitable for all students
    2. support all students
    3. are related to curriculum expectations, learning goals, and whenever possible, are related to the

    interests, learning styles, preferences, needs, and experiences of students

    1. are clearly communicated to students and parents at critical points throughout the academic year
    2. are ongoing, varied in nature, and administered over a period of time to provide multiple opportunities

    for students to demonstrate the potential and learning

    1. provide descriptive feedback that is meaningful and timely to support learning, growth, and


    1. develop student self-assessment skills to enable them to assess their own learning, set goals, and plan

    next steps for their learning

    There are three forms of assessment that will be used throughout this course:

    Assessment for Learning: Assessment for learning will directly influence student learning by reinforcing the connections between assessment and instruction, and provide ongoing feedback to the student. Assessment for learning occurs as part of the daily teaching process and helps teachers form a clear picture of the needs of the students because students are encouraged to be more active in their learning and associated assessment. Teachers gather this information to shape their classroom teaching.

    Assessment as Learning: Assessment as learning is the use of a task or an activity to allow students the opportunity to use assessment to further their own learning. Self and peer assessments allow students  to reflect on their own learning and identify areas of strength and need. These tasks offer students the chance to set their own personal goals and advocate for their own learning.

    The purpose of assessment as learning is to enable students to monitor their own progress towards achieving their learning goals.

    Assessment of Learning: Assessment of learning will occur at or near the end of a period of learning; this summary is used to make judgments about the quality of student learning using established criteria, to assign a value to represent that quality and to communicate information about achievement to students and parents. 

    Evidence of student achievement for evaluation is collected over time from three different sources – observations, conversations, and student products. Using multiple sources of evidence will increase the reliability and validity of the evaluation of student learning.

    For a full explanation of assessment, evaluation, and reporting, kindly refer to the Growing Success document (https://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/policyfunding/growSuccess.pdf). 

    Program Planning Considerations

    Teaching Approaches 

    Students learn best when they are engaged in a variety of ways of learning. Business studies courses lend themselves to a wide range of approaches in that they require students to discuss issues, solve problems using applications software, participate in business simulations, conduct research, think critically, work cooperatively, and make business decisions.When students are engaged in active and experiential learning strategies, they tend to retain knowledge for longer periods and to develop meaningful skills.Active and experiential learning strategies also enable students to apply their knowledge and skills to real-life issues and situations. 


    Some of the teaching and learning strategies that are suitable to material taught in business studies are the use of case studies and simulations, teamwork, brainstorming, mind mapping, problem solving, decision making, independent research, personal reflection, seminar presentations, direct instruction, portfolios, and hands-on applications. In combination, such approaches promote the acquisition of knowledge, foster positive attitudes towards learning, and encourage students to become lifelong learners.


    Teachers must provide a wide range of activities and assignments that encourage mastery of basic concepts and development of inquiry/research skills.To make their programs interesting and relevant, they must help students to relate the knowledge and skills gained to issues and situations in the business world. It is essential to emphasize the relationship of business studies to the world outside the school to help students recognize that what they are studying is not just a school subject but a reality that profoundly affects their lives, their communities, and the world. 


    Students’ attitudes towards business studies can have a significant effect on their achievement of expectations.Teaching methods and learning activities that encourage students to recognize the value and relevance of what they are learning will go a long way towards motivating students to work and learn effectively. In addition, the diversity of subjects and approaches represented in the business curriculum will allow students to find courses that are well suited to their particular learning styles and interests. 


    In all courses, consideration should be given to including student conferences, visits from a range of guest speakers with diverse backgrounds and experiences, and trips to local businesses. Students develop a better understanding of various aspects of the study of business when they can see and experience actual examples of what they are studying. Such experiences also give them a better appreciation of the unique features of the business communities that affect their daily lives.


    The complex nature of business today, influenced by the restructuring of the economy, rapid advances in technology, and the globalization of the marketplace, requires that students be given varied opportunities to learn about current business realities and practices. By ensuring that students engage in experiential learning and real-world applications, teachers can help them develop the practical, current business knowledge and skills they need. 


    The business studies courses outlined in this document have been designed for use throughout the province, and the expectations in them can be adapted to reflect the local business environment. They also take into account the constant changes in technology and the global economy, enabling teachers to develop lessons that are creative, dynamic, and challenging for students. The curriculum expectations encourage the use of business simulations, and information and communication technology. They also focus on employability skills, thereby building a foundation for the development of school-to-work transition programs.


    The Importance of Current Events in Business Studies

    The study of current events should inform the business studies curriculum, enhancing both the relevance and the immediacy of the program. Discussion and incorporation of current events into daily lessons not only stimulates student interest and curiosity but also helps students connect what they are learning in class with real-world events or situations.The study of current events needs to be thought of not as a separate topic removed from the program but as an effective instructional strategy for implementing many of the expectations found in the curriculum.


    The Role of Technology in Business Studies

    Information and communication technologies (ICT) provide a range of tools that can significantly extend and enrich teachers’ instructional strategies and support students’ learning in business studies. These tools include simulations, multimedia resources, databases, spreadsheets, and computer-assisted learning modules. Teachers can use ICT tools and resources both for whole-class instruction and to design programs that meet diverse student needs. Information and communication technologies can also be used to connect students to other schools, at home and abroad, and to bring the global community into the local classroom. 


    Through Internet websites, students can now access resources held in libraries, archives, public institutions, and private businesses across the country and around the world.They can find the most current information available on topics relevant to all business studies courses. ICT resources allow secondary school students to conduct more far-ranging and authentic research than ever before.Although the Internet is a powerful learning tool, however, all students must be made aware of issues of privacy, safety, and responsible use, as well as of the ways in which the Internet can be used to promote hatred. 


    Applications such as databases, spreadsheets, word processors, and presentation and multimedia software can be used to enhance student learning in all business studies courses. In the information and communication technology courses, they are an essential tool for learning. In these courses, students acquire skills in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, website design, and presentation and multimedia software that meet current business standards and that are transferable to other courses as well as to the workplace. Information and communication technologies are integrated into the business studies curriculum in a way that mirrors the dynamic environment in which business is conducted today, creating an authentic and relevant learning environment for students.



    Planning Business Studies Programs for Students With Special Education Needs

    In planning business studies courses for students with special education needs, teachers should begin by examining both the curriculum expectations for the course and the needs of the individual student to determine which of the following options is appropriate for the student:

    • no accommodations or modifications; or 
    • accommodations only; or 
    • modified expectations, with the possibility of accommodations


    If the student requires either accommodations or modified expectations, or both, the relevant information, as described in the following paragraphs, must be recorded in his or her Individual Education Plan (IEP). For a detailed discussion of the ministry’s requirements for IEPs, see Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation, 2000 (referred to hereafter as IEP Standards, 2000). More detailed information about planning programs for students with special education needs can be found in The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide, 2004 (referred to hereafter as the IEP Resource Guide, 2004). (Both documents are available at http://www.edu.gov.on.ca.)  


    Students Requiring Accommodations Only. With the aid of accommodations alone,some students are able to participate in the regular course curriculum and to demonstrate learning independently. (Accommodations do not alter the provincial curriculum expectations for the course.) The accommodations required to facilitate the student’s learning must be identified in his or her IEP (see IEP Standards, 2000, page 11).A student’s IEP is likely to reflect the same accommodations for many, or all, courses. 


    There are three types of accommodations. Instructional accommodations are changes in teaching strategies, including styles of presentation, methods of organization, or use of technology and multimedia. Environmental accommodations are changes that the student may require in the classroom and/or school environment, such as preferential seating or special lighting. Assessment accommodations are changes in assessment procedures that enable the student to demonstrate his or her learning, such as allowing additional time to complete tests or assignments or permitting oral responses to test questions (see page 29 of the IEP Resource Guide, 2004, for more examples). 


    If a student requires “accommodations only” in business studies courses, assessment and evaluation of his or her achievement will be based on the appropriate course curriculum expectations and the achievement levels outlined in this document.The IEP box on the Provincial Report Card will not be checked, and no information on the provision of accommodations will be included.


    Students Requiring Modified Expectations. Some students will require modified expectations, which differ from the regular course expectations. For most students, modified expectations will be based on the regular course curriculum, with changes in the number and/or complexity of the expectations. It is important to monitor, and to reflect clearly in the student’s IEP, the extent to which expectations have been modified.As noted in Section 7.12 of the ministry’s policy document Ontario Secondary Schools, Grades 9 to 12: Program and Diploma Requirements, 1999, the principal will determine whether achievement of the modified expectations constitutes successful completion of the course, and will decide whether the student is eligible to receive a credit for the course.This decision must be communicated to the parents and the student. 


    When a student is expected to achieve most of the curriculum expectations for the course, the modified expectations should identify how they differ from the course expectations.When modifications are so extensive that achievement of the learning expectations is not likely to result in a credit, the expectations should specify the precise requirements or tasks on which the student’s performance will be evaluated and which will be used to generate the course mark recorded on the Provincial Report Card. Modified expectations indicate the knowledge and/or skills the student is expected to demonstrate and have assessed in each reporting period (IEP Standards, 2000, pages 10 and 11). Modified expectations represent specific, realistic, observable, and measurable achievements and describe specific knowledge and/or skills that the student can demonstrate independently, given the appropriate assessment accommodations. The student’s learning expectations must be reviewed in relation to the student’s progress at least once every reporting period, and must be updated as necessary (IEP Standards, 2000, page 11). 


    If a student requires modified expectations in business studies courses, assessment and evaluation of his or her achievement will be based on the learning expectations identified in the IEP and on the achievement levels outlined in this document. If some of the student’s learning expectations for a course are modified but the student is working towards a credit for the course, it is sufficient simply to check the IEP box on the Provincial Report Card. If, however, the student’s learning expectations are modified to such an extent that the principal deems that a credit will not be granted for the course, the IEP box must be checked and the appropriate statement from Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, 1999 (page 8) must be inserted.The teacher’s comments should include relevant information on the student’s demonstrated learning of the modified expectations, as well as next steps for the student’s learning in the course.


    English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development (ESL/ELD) 

    Young people whose first language is not English enter Ontario secondary schools with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Some may have experience of highly sophisticated educational systems, while others may have had limited formal schooling.All of these students bring a rich array of background knowledge and experience to the classroom, and all teachers must share in the responsibility for their English-language development. 

    Students who come to Ontario from other countries will find the study of the subjects within business studies particularly useful. Through this study, they can develop an understanding of the Canadian business environment that will help them to become well-informed Canadian citizens. 


    Business studies courses can provide interesting learning opportunities for students who have come to Canada from different countries. Because business seeks ways to address the needs of diverse markets and communities, students from other countries may find that their experiences and background are helpful in analysing the needs of various markets and determining appropriate business strategies. In addition, because businesses require employees with a wide range of skills and abilities, students will learn how their backgrounds and language skills can contribute to business success. 


    Teachers of business studies must incorporate appropriate strategies for instruction and assessment to facilitate the success of the English language learners in their classrooms. These strategies include:

    • modification of some or all of the course expectations, based on the student’s level of English proficiency; 
    • use of a variety of instructional strategies (e.g., extensive use of visual cues, graphic organizers, scaffolding; previewing of textbooks; pre-teaching of key vocabulary; peer tutoring; strategic use of students’ first languages); 
    • use of a variety of learning resources (e.g., visual material, simplified text, bilingual dictionaries, and culturally diverse materials); 
    • use of assessment accommodations (e.g., granting of extra time; use of oral interviews and tasks requiring completion of graphic organizers and cloze sentences instead of essay questions and other assessment tasks that depend heavily on proficiency in English).


    Students who are no longer taking ESL or ELD courses may still require program adaptations to be successful.When learning expectations in a course other than ESL and ELD are modif ied, this must be clearly indicated on the student’s report card by checking the ESL or ELD box. (See the Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9–12, 1999.) 


    For further information on supporting students who are English language learners, refer to The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 to 12: English As a Second Language and English Literacy Development, 1999 and the resource guide Many Roots, Many Voices: Supporting English Language Learners in Every Classroom (Ministry of Education, 2005).


    Antidiscrimination Education in Business Studies

    Antidiscrimination education promotes a school climate and classroom practice that encourage all students to work to high standards, ensure that they are given a variety of opportunities to be successful, affirm their self-worth, and help them strengthen their sense of identity and positive self-image. 


    The business studies curriculum is designed to help students acquire the habits of mind that are essential in a complex democratic society characterized by rapid technological, economic, political, and social change. These include respect and understanding with regard to individuals, groups, and cultures in Canada and the global community, including an appreciation and valuing of the contributions of Aboriginal people to the richness and diversity of Canadian life. They also involve respect and responsibility for the environment and an understanding of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of citizenship. Learning the importance of protecting human rights and of taking a stand against racism and other expressions of hatred and discrimination is also part of the foundation for responsible citizenship and ethical business practice. 


    In business studies, students will learn about the changing workplace and the Canadian and global economy. They will learn how business is carried out effectively and equitably in the local and global workplace and how it is affected and enhanced by the diversity of the global marketplace.


    Learning activities in business studies courses should be inclusive in nature, reflecting diverse points of view and experiences. They should enable students to become more sensitive to the experiences and perceptions of others, to value and show respect for diversity in the school and in the wider society, and to make responsible and equitable decisions in their personal and business relationships. The critical thinking and research skills acquired in business studies courses will enable students to recognize bias and stereotyping in text and images, as well as discriminatory attitudes that create barriers to productive relationships in business and trade.


    Literacy, Numeracy, and Inquiry/Research Skills

    Success in all their secondary school courses depends in large part on students’ literacy skills. The activities and tasks that students undertake in the business studies curriculum involve oral, written, and visual communication skills. For example, students use language to record their observations, to describe their inquiries in both informal and formal contexts, and to present their findings in presentations and reports in oral, written, graphic, and multimedia forms. Communicating in a business environment and using business software require the use and understanding of specialized terminology. In all business studies courses, students are required to use appropriate and correct terminology, and are encouraged to use language with care and precision, in order to communicate effectively. 

    The Ministry of Education has facilitated the development of materials to support literacy instruction across the curriculum. Helpful advice for integrating literacy instruction in business studies courses may be found in the following resource documents:

    • Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12, 2003 
    • Think Literacy: Cross-Curricular Approaches, Grades 7–12 – Subject-Specific Examples: Business Studies, Grade 11, 2005

    The business studies curriculum also builds on and reinforces certain aspects of the mathematics curriculum. For example, clear, concise communication involves the use of various diagrams, charts, tables, and graphs to organize, interpret, and present information. 

    In business studies courses, students will develop their ability to ask questions and conduct research as they plan and manage projects.They need to learn a variety of research methods in order to carry out their investigations, and to know which methods to use in a particular inquiry. Students need to learn how to locate relevant information in a variety of print and electronic sources, including books and articles, manuals, newspapers, websites, databases, tables, diagrams, and charts.As they advance through the grades, students will be expected to use these sources with increasing sophistication.They will also be expected to distinguish between primary and secondary sources, to determine their validity and relevance, and to use them in appropriate ways.This is especially true with respect to electronic research sources.

    The Ontario Skills Passport and Essential Skills 

    Teachers planning programs in business studies need to be aware of the purpose and benefits of the Ontario Skills Passport (OSP). The OSP is a bilingual web-based resource that enhances the relevancy of classroom learning for students and strengthens school–work connections. The OSP provides clear descriptions of essential skills such as reading, writing, use of computers, measurement and calculation, and problem solving and includes an extensive database of occupation-specific workplace tasks that illustrate how workers use these skills on the job. The essential skills are transferable, in that they are used in virtually all occupations. The OSP also includes descriptions of important work habits, such as working safely, being reliable, and providing excellent customer service. The OSP is designed to help employers assess and record students’ demonstration of these skills and work habits during their cooperative-education placements. Students can use the OSP to identify the skills and work habits they already have, plan further skill development, and show employers what they can do. 

    The skills described in the OSP are the essential skills that the Government of Canada and other national and international agencies have identified and validated, through extensive research, as the skills needed for work, learning, and life. Essential skills provide the foundation for learning all other skills and enable people to evolve with their jobs and adapt to workplace change. For further information on the OSP and essential skills, visit: http://skills.edu.gov.on.ca

    Career Education

    Most careers involve some aspect of business practice – physicians and mechanics operate small businesses, artists sell their art. Courses in business studies prepare students for employment in such diverse areas as retailing, management, technology, small business, government service, and professional careers. The skills and knowledge that students acquire through business studies courses are essential for a wide range of careers. Students gain an understanding of various aspects of business operation and practice through courses in all the subjects in the discipline. In addition, the focus on personal management, interpersonal skills, and career development in the business studies curriculum will help prepare students for success in their working lives, whatever their career. Finally, learning about different kinds of businesses will enable students who are interested in a career in business to think about the type of operation that is best suited to their backgrounds and interests.

    Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning 

    Cooperative education and other forms of experiential learning, such as job shadowing, field trips, and work experience, enable students to apply the skills they have developed in the classroom to real-life activities in the world of business and public service. Cooperative education and other workplace experiences also help to broaden students’ knowledge of employment opportunities in a wide range of fields, including small-business operations, management, marketing, accounting, and government service. In addition, students develop their understanding of workplace practices, certifications, and the nature of employer–employee relationships. Teachers of business studies should maintain links with community-based businesses to ensure students have access to hands-on experiences that will reinforce the knowledge and skills they have gained in school. 

    All cooperative education and other workplace experiences will be provided in accordance with the ministry’s policy document entitled Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Secondary Schools, 2000.

    Planning Program Pathways and Programs Leading to a Specialist High-Skills Major 

    Business studies courses are well suited for inclusion in programs leading to a Specialist HighSkills Major (SHSM) or in programs designed to provide pathways to particular apprenticeship or workplace destinations. In an SHSM program, business studies courses can be bundled with other courses to provide the academic knowledge and skills important to particular industry sectors and required for success in the workplace and postsecondary education, including apprenticeship. Business studies courses may also be combined with cooperative education credits to provide the workplace experience required for SHSM programs and for various program pathways to apprenticeship and workplace destinations. (SHSM programs would also include sector-specific learning opportunities offered by employers, skills-training centres, colleges, and community organizations.)

    Health and Safety in Business Studies

    The business studies program provides for exploration of a variety of concepts relating to health and safety in the workplace. In planning learning activities to help students achieve the curriculum expectations, teachers need to ensure that students have opportunities to consider health and safety issues. Health and safety issues must be addressed when learning involves cooperative education and other workplace experiences. Teachers who provide support for students in workplace learning placements need to assess placements for safety and ensure students understand the importance of issues relating to health and safety in the workplace. Before taking part in workplace learning experiences, students must acquire the knowledge and skills needed for safe participation. Students must understand their rights to privacy and confidentiality as outlined in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. They have the right to function in an environment free from abuse and harassment, and they need to be aware of harassment and abuse issues in establishing boundaries for their own personal safety. They should be informed about school and community resources and school policies and reporting procedures with respect to all forms of abuse and harassment.

    Policy/Program Memorandum No.76A, “Workplace Safety and Insurance Coverage for Students in Work Education Programs” (September 2000), outlines procedures for ensuring the provision of Health and Safety Insurance Board coverage for students who are at least 14 years of age and are on placements of more than one day. (A one-day job shadowing or job twinning experience is treated as a field trip.) Teachers should also be aware of the minimum age requirements outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act for persons to be in or to be working in specific workplace settings. Relevant ministry policies are outlined in Cooperative Education and Other Forms of Experiential Learning: Policies and Procedures for Ontario Secondary Schools, 2000.

    Program Planning Considerations: These considerations are based on the directives mentioned in the  Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Business Studies, 2006, (revised). A copy of this document is available online at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/business1112currb.pdf 


    Course Expectation: This course is based on curriculum expectations found in the Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Business Studies, 2006, (revised). A copy of this document is available online at: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/secondary/business1112currb.pdf 



    The primary purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. The Achievement Chart – Business Studies, Grades 9–12 will guide all assessment and evaluation.

    Term Evaluation = 70% of total grade broken up as follow: 

    Knowledge & Understanding


    Thinking & Inquiry






    Knowledge of content

    • Types of business organization
    • The accounting cycle
    • Accounting practices for sales tax
    • Appropriate usage of accounting software

    Understanding of content

    Use of planning skills

    Use of processing skills 

    Use of critical/creative thinking processes

    Expression and organization of ideas and information

    Communication of  ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the intended audiences and purpose

    Using appropriate conventions, vocabulary, and terminology

    Application of knowledge and skills to in familiar contexts

    Transfer of knowledge and skills to new contexts

    Making connections within and between various contexts

    The final grade will be determined as follows: 

    Term work = 70% of final mark
    Final exam = 30% of final mark


    The six learning skills reported on the provincial report card are: Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, and Self-Regulation. These are reported using a letter system of (E) excellent, (G) good, (S) satisfactory and (N) needs improvement. These will be assessed using checklists, student self-assessment, and teacher assessment. Learning skills assessment does not count toward the course mark but proficiency with these skills is essential for achieving success.


    Participating in online courses is a privilege. You are expected to behave in an appropriate manner while logged into your online course(s). Any inappropriate use of language, use of the site facilities for purposes other than course related activities or malicious actions taken against others through these facilities are not permitted. These violations will be dealt with in a severe manner and may result in suspension or expulsion from online learning. Please remember, your actions within the site can and will be monitored. Any communications on the Internet, whether through email, private chat room, or other methods are not private. Be aware that anything you communicate may be viewed by others. If you don't want it known, do not type it into your computer.


    Students are expected to take responsibility in the completion of their course by creating a schedule in advance and meeting deadlines. You are expected to write every test/evaluation as well as complete all summative assessments. 

    Notebooks need to be well kept and organized. You will get homework for every lesson. If you are having trouble with the homework or with concepts covered in class, reach out to your instructor for support.

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