


Proposal for New Jersey

About us: 

Explorer Hop is a mission-driven education platform focused on equipping young people with essential financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and STEM skills. Established to bridge gaps in practical education, we offer a wide array of programs that blend real-world knowledge with interactive learning experiences. A key component of our mission is financial empowerment, where students, starting as young as 6, engage in hands-on projects such as launching businesses, creating budgets, and understanding key financial concepts like savings, interest, and credit scores.

At Explorer Hop we also integrate our financial literacy content with school curricula, particularly in Ontario. The Ministry of Education in Ontario has called Explorer Hop, "the Future of Education".

We use gamification techniques, interactive videos, and auto-grading tools to enhance the learning experience for both students and educators. Our organization supports teachers with comprehensive resources including detailed lesson plans, auto-grading quizzes, and ready-to-use course materials​. Explorer Hop’s programs are available in multiple languages, broadening our global reach to ensure financial literacy for diverse communities. 

Learn more about the CEO and Founder, Hasina Lookman.

Proposal for New Jersey: 

1) Classes for private individuals

 a) Investing course.  (Grade 7 and over, Separate classes for Adults and Women) 

Our investing program has 8 levels. It starts with learning about stocks and progresses to Mutual Funds, Fixed Income, Global Finance, Taxes, Options & Futures and Shorts. 

Method of Instruction: online with live instruction, or self-learning. 

The entry point for the program is Camp Millionaire Level 1.  Each course takes about 10 - 15 hours of instruction to complete.  Students have hands on knowledge.  At the end of Level 1 students will be able to understand everything on this fact sheet and identify which companies would be good investments for them. This knowledge increases significantly over the next levels.  At the end of Level 8 they have more financial knowledge than most employees in a bank. 

Languages Available:  English, Spanish, Mandarin, French & Arabic


b) Personal Finance (Grade 7 and over) 

The Personal Finance program is a comprehensive personal finance course with lots of hands on-practice.  Topics covered include Savings, Budgeting, Banking, Mortgage, Loans, Credit Scores, Insurance, Identity Theft and Basics of Stock Investing. 

Method of Instruction: online with live instruction, or self-learning. 

Languages Available:  English, Spanish, Mandarin, French & Arabic

This program is also available in different versions for kids grade -3, and 4-6. 


c) Entrepreneurship 

 The Teen Entrepreneur program is basically designed to incorporate all the additional requirements to apply to top universities in USA, Canada and UK.  In this program, students learn how to conceptualize, design, implement and manage their own company.  

Method of Instruction: online with live instruction,


2) School Districts (New Jersey) 

a) Financial Literacy in Middle & High Schools: 

Product that delivers this content: Personal Finance (Grades 7-11)

Content includes everything a teacher needs to teach the course: 

  1. Multiple lessons per unit with presentations for all lessons (see videos above for more details) 
    1. Each lesson includes a quality presentation that teaches the individual concept.
    2. These presentations are brief, which prevents students from becoming overwhelmed with knowledge, and they can be reviewed easily to maintain student retention.
  2. Quizzes for every lesson
    1. Multiple quizzes are included after each lesson which can be used as an assessment piece to check for understanding
  3. Project Work to be completed by students
    1. Included is also are interesting project activities for students to work on their own, or as a group.  After developing and formulating a response they can present it for peer review. 
  4. Discission items for students to reflect on
  5. Lesson Plans
    1. Our lesson plans were carefully created by teachers for teachers.
    2. They are detailed and include follow-up questions for small and whole-group discussions.
    3. The lesson plans are set up to follow the desired lesson where after the concept is taught, students have time for independent or small-group practice, and then everyone is brought back together for a whole group discussion, and to reinforce the learning. 

b) Teacher Training and Professional Development Programs

We offer Teacher Training programs where teachers learn how to teach teens about personal finance and professional development day programs where teachers join our seminars to learn how to launch their own initiatives in the school, or learn how to invest. This program does not normally need Ministry approval and can be sold privately, however local policies need to be checked. 

What are we looking for? 

Explorer Hop already had a comprehensive array of financial literacy courses and the expertise to teach it.  We are looking for Sales / Marketing Partners in New Jersey who are interested in selling the programs, in return for a commission on the sales.  

Next Steps

Serena to discuss with her partners in New Jersey and we can schedule a call next week.

Funny quote for the weekend 😊

"Gen Z might not own homes, but hey, they own avocado toast and premium subscription services! Who needs assets when you’ve got 6 streaming platforms and same-day delivery?"

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