Week 6
Hello everyone!
Our debate topic for the week is:
How does clean water and sanitation affect world health? What are some current problems facing your country, and how should they be tackled? What should we do worldwide to solve issues like these?
Denmark - Ruby, Aanya
Saudi Arabia - Tash, Izzy
Chile - Noah, Matthew
South Africa - Mikhail, David
Week 5
Hello everyone!
Our debate topic for the week is:
How is deforestation affecting our planet? Is it justified to continue deforestation for things like factories, or does it need to be reduced/stopped?
David, Mikhail, Tash, Matthew - Ethiopia
Ruby, Aanya, Izzy, Noah - France
Week 4
Hello everyone!
Our debate topic for the week is:
Countries should provide free school meals to children for their entire education.
Tash and Aanya - Belgium
Matthew and David - Japan
Ruby and Mikhail - Cuba
Week 3
Hello all!
This week, we refined our debate skills further and went through creating an opening statement together! Since most people were at sports, there is no debate question set for this week. Rather, we will discuss and research in class next week!
Week 2
Hello everyone!
Today, we practiced our opening statements in our first debate! I am super impressed by how articulate and knowledgable our group is! We began the preliminary stages of forming a rebuttal, in which we argue our opponents perspective and propose resolutions.
Our debate question for the week is:
Are zoos helpful, or are they inhumane and cruel?
Our countries are:
Aanya - Turkey
Ruby - India
David - Spain
Matthew - Morocco
Please come prepared with facts and statistics in your opening statements! Also be prepared to move into rebuttals after our opening statements next week!
Week 1
Hello everyone!
Today, we went through the basics of a debate, and how to create an opening statement for our debate. Our opening statements should always include:
- A respectful address to the people you are speaking to - "Hello my esteemed opponents", "Thank you parents, peers, and teachers for your valued attention"
- A statement of your position on the topic - either affirmative if your country agrees with the topic statement or negative if it disagrees
- Your main arguments, and facts and statistics to back them up - these must be relevant to the debate topic and the country you are representing!
Our debate topic for the week is:
The countries of the UN should invest more money into buildings, roads and schools in their country as well as provide other nations with aid to do so.
Our representatives for each country are as follows:
Matthew - Australia
David - Nigeria
Ruby - Italy
Aanya - China
Please keep in mind that only preparation of an opening statement is necessary!
See you all next week.