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Global Investment Challenge 1 Participant Experiences: Carol Wu

Global Investment Challenge 1 Participant Experiences: Carol Wu

About the GIC

Explorer Hop's Global Investment Competition (GIC) is a virtual investment opportunity for youth ages 11-17. The competition is open to 500 participants from anywhere in the world. All experience levels are welcome as competitors learn how to trade stocks and build their own portfolio. And for those who are looking to compete, there are more than $100 in prizes to be won! The portfolio with the highest amount at the end of the competition is the first place winner. All participants will however receive a certificate at the end of the competition to acknowledge their learning achievement. 

The next competition runs from September 26th-November 4th. Therefore the portfolio with the highest amount on November 4th, 2022 at 4:30 PM EST will be the winner of the first place prize. Second and third place, as well as the top earner in each age category, will subsequently win smaller prizes.

If you feel that you're on the lesser experienced side and want to prepare first, you have time before the next competition. If you would like to learn how to manage your money and invest we suggest enrolling for the following instructor-led online classes: Camp Millionaire Level 1Personal Finance. If you are looking for self-learning options, check out Learn to Trade and Mutual Funds.

Young Investor Carol Wu on Her Experience

The Explorer Hop team interviewed Global Investment Challenge participants on their experiences, to help prepare future students, and offer them insight into what it's like to compete.

EH: How did you hear about the Investment Competition? 

Carol: A friend of my dad told him about this competition, who in turn told me about it. 

EH: How much investing experience do you have?

Carol: Before hearing about this competition? Nothing! Imagine how confused I had been reading through the glossary of terms Explorer Hop had sent out before the competition, when I had yet to learn the definition of a dividend! I often had to turn to YouTube and Investopedia. Perhaps my success so far has been garnered from quite some luck, but only time will tell.

EH: What are you hoping to learn from participating in the competition?

Carol: I wanted a new experience, I'd never done anything like this before so I said to myself hey! this sounds super important and it'd be good to learn now. This is meant to be a new experience for me, having never touched the world of investments and stock markets in my life. It’s a chance to trying trading and investing, without fear of losing real cash.

EH: What would you say to inspire other kids to learn about investing?

Carol: So the problem is that when we're kids, say we make money from chores or delivering newspapers or something like that - we make the money and then we go hangout with friends and buy some Starbucks. I don't see anything wrong with that but we're living in the world full of investing opportunities. Most kids don't know that they can use money to make more money, and I think that would excite them.

I can’t speak for those who attend investment classes or have experience in real world investing, but personally, there’s no harm in trying something new. Perhaps you will enjoy it, perhaps you will not, but if you have the time, just try it. Investing gives new insight on how this world’s markets work, in addition to teaching kids to assess risk vs. reward and what to take into consideration when making decisions about money.

EH: What other hobbies do you have?

Carol: The one constant interest I’ve had throughout my life is mathematics. Other things change day by day, week by week, year by year, but lately I have enjoyed drawing, writing, watching old cartoons and movies (Garfield, Looney Tunes, Home Alone, etc.), and ping pong

During every competition, we post weekly rankings on our social media accounts. Please follow us on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter to get the updates.

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