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How Ontario Parents Can Find Online Learning Solutions With Students Home Again

How Ontario Parents Can Find Online Learning Solutions With Students Home Again

Happy New Year!

If you live anywhere in Ontario, you’ll likely understand what we mean when we say that it’s January 2022 and March 2020 all at the same time, right now. 

We might have just turned the calendar over to the new year a few days ago but, unfortunately, it looks like Ontario is going back, in a lot of ways, to earlier stages of the pandemic – especially as it relates to your child's education. It was just announced that students would not be returning to classes until at least January 17th, 2022, meaning that children will be forced to learn online while parents all across the province need to readjust once again to ensure their children will be supported academically during this period.

Are you one of those parents looking for an online learning solution to, at the very least, supplement the online learning that school is providing your child?

Child drawing on paper sitting at crowded desk with plants and pencil case, ipad in background

If you’re one of the countless parents that answered yes to the question we asked above, let us tell you about the online programs and self-learning opportunities we have for you and your children here at Explorer Hop – built to engage your child in the world of financial literacy and help them either get a jump-start on or grow their understanding of crucial material that they may or may not already be learning in school. 

We know a lot of parents are in a similar position to yours right now and everyone just wants to make sure their child is situated well enough for the next two weeks (we hope) until they go back to in-person classes. 

We don’t believe a single parent in Ontario – nay, the world – would be able to look at another parent or adult and say they would want their child to stay away from learning about crucial long-term life skills such as how to invest, entrepreneurship, social media marketing, personal finance and more

This is especially true during a time like this, when teachers are more likely to trim lessons down to bare essentials due to time constraints and may not be able to touch on topics like the ones we just mentioned for the sake of time. 

Explorer Hop offers countless programs in many areas of financial literacy, designed for students ranging all the way from grade 1 through grade 12, which we believe will set your child/children up for success now and in the future. 

Child wearing headphones smiling at computer while writing on notepad

Who knows? Maybe your child will take our learn to trade course and then be able to give you investing tips about stuff you weren’t fortunate enough to learn at their age. 

Better yet, maybe your child will complete our entrepreneurship course and go on to start and build an online business during this little vacation from in-person learning so they can finally start pulling their own weight and bringing in some money to help with the grocery bill (or the mortgage, because we don’t think there’s a limit to how successful your child can be as a young entrepreneur). Wouldn’t that be lovely? 

Visit our website here for more information on the many financial literacy programs we offer and best of luck navigating the next few weeks as we hopefully get back to normal sooner rather than later!  
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