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Kid Chef Canada Live

Regular price $10.00

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While our show has now ended, we are still taking donations that will be sent directly to Care International.    Our Teen Entrepreneurs raised $997 which allowed them to feed over 1400 kids in Yemen! All donations you give will be added and sent to Care International to support those who have no food in Yemen.  

Kids Chef Canada Live is an original cooking show and background designing-related company, established by children ages 11-14 as a part of our Teen Entrepreneurship program.

In only 5 days, these teenagers have been working hard to bring you a live cooking video show with custom made backgrounds that you can use to make your kitchen Master Chef ready (and hide all the pots that haven't been cleaned!). 

All proceeds will go to the charity CARE to support kids who have no food in Yemen, a war-torn country. 

Help feed a child in the war zone by joining our show and donating to our initiative. 

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