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Graphic Design Level One | Monday & Wednesday 4:30-5:30 PM


3, 2, 1... BLAST OFF! Today we learned about how to make an animated video. We made rockets going off into space! Zara and Ziyaan said this was their favourite class. Here is their work: 



Talk soon!



 Packaging, packaging, read all about it! Today we focused on how to transfer our designs onto a mockup to bring them to life. Also how to present our logos to a client.

This is Zara's logo for slime:


Ziyaan was designing a cover for a family book, but he only sent me this file he was working on in class:

here we were designing patterns and creating texture with text using inspiration from modern design trends!

Talk soon!



 Going loco for LOGOS! Day 5 is the most important lesson of them all. We are taking what we have learned over the past 2 weeks, and applying it to logo design. 

Here is what Zara & Ziyaan created:


Next week we are going to continue with logo design and how to brand products with the logo, and hopefully begin our animation video!



This was a class where we meant business... so we made business cards!

First an intro into the wonderful world of typography, and why specific fonts are used for certain things.  Then using this knowledge Ziyaan and Zara made their own business cards! Here is their wonderful work:




Today was all about applying our colour theory to a brand that Zara & Ziyaan have come up with! We learned about creating a brand colour palette and a mood board to convey the image & tone of the brand. We are also diving deeper into Canva's tools and how we can use them to create strong designs.

Zara has come up with Zarito's, her own version of the popular chips Cheetos, and Ziyaan has come up with a specialty sandwich brand called Ziyaan's Mix Up!

Here are some pictures of Zara's work:


And here is a GIF of Ziyaan's work!



Next class we will be learning about Typography! 



Today was an introduction to colour theory. We discussed how to read and use the colour wheel and how it can be used when creating designs.  We learned about primary colours, secondary colours, complementary colours, and monochromatic colours.

We also learned about warm & cool colours and how different colours can have different effects on us. I emailed Zara & Ziyaan an image that is a guide for colours & the psychology behind them.

I am showing them tools that I use professionally as a graphic designer as well, such as royalty free resources and platforms such as Adobe color to create amazing palettes.

Their homework for this week is to create their version of the rainbow by creating their own colour palette using images from their hobbies/interests. I will be updating the blog with photos once they send them over to me. 



It was so nice to meet our creative enthusiasts! The first day went very smooth and I hope Zara & Ziyaan had just as much fun as I did!

Today we created our Canva accounts and got acquainted with how to use the platform. We also talked about what design is, and what our creative enthusiasts are interested in. I am hoping to use their interests to build a portfolio so you can see their passion in all of the work we will make along the way. 

I woke up to an email from Ziyaan and I was so delighted to see he was already taking his first steps to creating his portfolio!

Here is Ziyaan's first draft: 

Here is one of the pages that Zara has created:


Hello, I’m Alexia, I’m a graphic designer and I’ll be here to guide you on your creative journey!

A bit about me:

  • Graduated from OCAD University with a BDES
  • I also attended Humber College for Fine Arts!
  • You can see some of the work I’ve done here: https://alexiav.myportfolio.com/

We are going to create our designs using an online platform called Canva. It’s a powerful program that has amazing tools that both experts and beginners can utilize!

Here is the link to the Zoom classes: 


Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting the progress we make here so stay tuned!

Contact email: lexy@explorerhop.com

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