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Crazy Science (July 26-30)

Crazy Science (July 26-30)


What a great last day! We played jeopardy game about everything we had learned about this week, and then did an experiment about gravity. We also learned about sloths and vaccines, as per the students request!
Thank you for a wonderful week! Have a great rest of your summer!


What a fun day today!


We learned about how our world works. We did experiments about light and density. We also tried to make paper airplanes using what we had learned about the forces on an airplane. 


Tomorrow is crazy fun science day! If your child would like they can wear their pyjamas to class! We will playing some games about everything we have learned this week, doing an experiment about gravity, and doing some activities to learn about their suggested topics if we have time. 
  • a couple pieces of paper
  • markers (we will be drawing pictures)
I am still creating the activities for the topics the students wanted to learn about, and will let you know if any additional materials are needed. 
Let me know if you have any questions and see you tomorrow!


What a fun day today!


We learned about COVID-19 and viruses. We did experiments to find out why soap protects us against viruses and how masks work. We also had a bonus activity talking about how rainbows work. 


We will be learning about how our world works, talking about light and density. We will also be learning about airplanes and trying to make the best paper airplane. I've also asked the students to bring something made of a natural material for show and tell. 
  • cup of water (a clear plastic cup will work the best)
  • a couple pieces of paper 
  • markers
  • a small amount of oil (any type you have, a couple tablespoons to 1/4 cup should work well)
  • salt 
Let me know if you have any questions and see you tomorrow!


Well done today!


We learned about how our beans with grow into plants and how they use photosynthesis to produce energy and grow! We also put our observation skills to the test with our fruit activity, and practiced asking questions with a game of 20 questions about animals. 


We will be learning about COVID-19 and the human body. We will be doing experiments to understand how to protect ourselves from getting sick. 
  • bowl of water
  • dish soap
  • black pepper
  • a cloth or disposable mask
  • paper
  • markets 
Let me know if you have any questions and see you tomorrow!


What a great first day!]


We learned about the steps of the scientific method and applied during our salt water experiment and invisible ink experiment. To reveal the secret message from our invisible ink experiment, you can use heat! You can do this by putting it over an electric stove burner, using a hair drier, or putting it in a hot and sunny spot! 


We will be learning about nature, plants, and animals! The only material needed for tomorrow is your child's favourite fruit or vegetable (or really whatever fruit or veggies you have). We will using these to put our observation skills to the test, and they can be eaten as a snack after. 
Let me know if you have any questions and see you tomorrow!

Welcome to Crazy Science!

Hi Everyone! 

My name is Meghan and I will be your instructor for the week. 

A little bit about me: 

I recently graduated from McMaster University with a BSc in Life Sciences. I have a passion for making science engaging and accessible for everyone, and I can't wait to explore many different areas of science with your kids this week. 
We are going to be doing lots of fun and hands-on experiments this week, using materials that are easily accessible or things you would already have at home. 

Here is the material list for the class (for the whole week): 

  • Plain paper 

  • Markers/pencil

  • Cloth or disposable mask

  • Lemons

  • Beans or peas

  • Paper towel

  • Dish soap 

  • Black pepper

  • Oil 

  • Sugar 

  • Salt

  • Ice

  • Half and Half cream (or whole milk) 

  • Tupperware container or clear sandwich bag 

  • Plastic freezer bags


For Monday, your child will need: 

  • Lemon juice 
  • Dried beans/peas (we will be growing sprouts, so beans work best, but whatever you have that can sprout is okay!)
  • Water
  • Container or clear sandwich bag
  • Paper towel
  • Ice 
  • Salt
  • Plain paper 
  • Markers/Pencil

Our class will take place July 5th-9th, from 10am to 11am EST (Toronto time). The zoom link for our class is: 

 Zoom Links for the Program: 

Here is the information you need to connect to the program on Monday. The line will open 10 minutes before the class starts.

Please ensure you have a Zoom account and are able to connect. 


If you have any questions, please reach out to me! 

See you Monday! 


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