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Young Entrepreneurs | July 12-16

Young Entrepreneurs | July 12-16

Day 5 

Thank you for an amazing week of classes, everyone! And today was my favourite! We had some excellent sales pitches by everybody!

Your presentations were amazing, I have added feedback into your final reports. Please read and make your presentations even better!

I have sent everybody their certificates, please let me know if you haven't received yours.

I hope you had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

I would highly recommend everybody to check out our:

  • Teen Entrepreneurs (get 30% off with STARTUP30) - Now learn how to build your own business from the scratch and give back to the society with a charitable entrepreneurship.
  • Graphic Design - Learn all about the visual cues and etiquette when it comes to creating a great piece of digital art (from school presentations to business cards and more!)

Please use THANK15 to take $15 off your your next over $100.

And please leave us a Google review at: https://g.page/r/CVEocnmoFFodEAg/review

Day 2
What we did: We started to talk about the Sales Funnel and the importance of organic marketing! We discussed the Awareness stage vs. Advocacy stage and how it affects our marketing. We also did some amazing marketing posts. 
What we do tomorrow: We will work on our script for the videos!
Hope to see you tomorrow :)
Day 1 
What we did: We had some awesome introductions. We got to learn all about what it is like to be an entrepreneur, different types of startups and what makes a business successful. Our charity of choice for this week - Canadian Mental Health Association.
What we do tomorrow: We will work on our inital marketing posts!
Hope to see you tomorrow :)
Welcome to Young Entrepreneurs! 

My name is Savindi. I am Marketing and Operations Associate of Explorer Hop and will also be your child's Entrepreneurial coach this week.

The purpose of this camp is to teach children the potential of starting and launching their own businesses that would become a social initiative.

Through the week, they will be building a simplified business plan. They would exchange different company roles such as CEO, Finance VP, Marketing VP, Sales VP, Operations VP, and more. They will learn to build a solid brand from customer and competitor research. They will learn how to design a logo and advertisements. 

I have met repeat students and so many of them have already built a business. It is so exciting to see them implement what they have learned through our Entrepreneurship, Video Editing, Graphic Design, and Website building classes. 

Here is the information you need to connect to the program on Monday:

Zoom Link:   


Need from Parents:  Please can you complete the Student Information Form before the class. Here is the link:  https://explorerhop.com/pages/information



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