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3 Benefits of Learning Day Trading

3 Benefits of Learning Day Trading

At Explorer Hop, we’re all about financial literacy.

An increasingly important part of our financial landscape today is day-trading – a form of investing that involves buying and selling a financial instrument within the same trading day – and we want to help ensure that you and your child understand this concept and are prepared for the present and the future with an understanding of day-trading and its benefits. 

view of stock chart on computer

Learning to invest is a complicated process and day-trading is just one facet of the investing world that we all must be aware of, but please read on to find out about our list of three benefits of day-trading. 

1. A Great Way To Make Money, and even Potentially Large Profits, On The Side

The potential to make significant money as a day-trader is one of the investing medium’s greatest appeals. No matter whether you engage in day-trading as a “side hustle” or as a full-time endeavour – although that likely won’t happen until you are a seasoned day-trader – you have the potential to make a lot of money as a day-trader assuming you build up the knowledge required and exercise the necessary patience and precision required to become good at this admittedly tricky form of investing. We will talk more about the knowledge and effort required to become a successful day-trader later in this blog but an important benefit of day-trading is certainly the potential financial gains.

2. Chance to Take Full Self-Control

In a lot of ways, a great deal of our income is affected by other people. Our employers decide (although the effort is partly collaborative) what to pay us, our regular investing is aided by an investment advisor etc. Day-trading is very different in this way, because you are always in full and complete control over your investments and profit. You set your own hours of involvement, do your own research (more on that later) and ultimately only do what you truly believe in as an investor.

No one controls your fate as a day-trader beyond yourself, and thus, one of the greatest appeals of day trading is its autonomy.  

3. Builds On General Financial Knowledge 

Day Trading is undoubtedly one of the most research-intensive parts of finance that exist at the current moment. Largely as a function of the self-control that we described above, learning how to invest in the realm of day-trading involves a great deal of research to truly understand what financial instruments are good and bad investments. Becoming a successful day-trader requires significant planning and time in front of a computer – potentially hours – checking the market and identifying your next investment opportunity. This research will help you, without a doubt, become a more knowledgeable person with respect to finance as a whole in the midst of learning what it takes to become a great day-trader. 

stock chart

Have the benefits we’ve listed in this blog piqued your interest in day-trading and made you consider that it might be worthwhile to kick-start your child’s path to day-trading success now, or at least sooner rather than later? 

Check out Explorer Hop's Technical Analysis and Day Trading program today, where we take your child through a fun and easy-to-understand class that will demystify day trading, simplify otherwise complex technical and fundamental analysis terms and thoroughly explain various trading techniques. Simultaneously, this course works at providing your child and other young investors with tips and indicators on various graphs, all knowledge that will prepare them for a future in day-trading should they choose to go down that path. 

Register for our day trading program today, here, and check out our website for more courses and content just like this!
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1 comment

  • What broker do u recommend for day trading?

    John C

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