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Top 3 Investing Books For Kids!

Top 3 Investing Books For Kids!

It can be hard to get kids interested in the world of investing without adding a little fun and amusement to keep them interested. We all know that reading is a vital part of financial literacy. Without basic literacy, there can be no financial literacy. So these three books not only help prepare your child for the world of finance, but they also help them improve their literacy skills. 


How To Turn $100 Into $1,000,000: Earn, Save, Invest! By James McKenna

Written in a humorous but informative voice that engages young readers, it's the book that every parent who wants to raise financially savvy and unspoiled children should buy for their kids. It is packed with lively illustrations to make difficult concepts easy to understand--all as a way of building financial literacy, good decision-making, and the appreciation of a hard-earned dollar. 


Growing Money By Gail Karlitz

Never before has the world of finance been so much a part of kids' daily lives and this revised and updated book outlining the fundamentals of money management will show kids how to make money grow, providing information about smart investing, savings accounts, bonds, stocks, and mutual funds as well as quizzes and wild facts of success and failure, each with a lesson to impart.


The Motley Fool Investment Guide For Teens: 8 Steps To Having More Money Than Your Parents Ever Dreamed Of By David Gardner

The Motley Fool has made investing fun and easy for millions of people. Now, it custom designs its wit and wisdom for today’s money-savvy teens. The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens helps teens stand out from the ho-hum mutual-fund crowd, build a portfolio of stocks they can care about, and take advantage of the investor’s best friend—time—to watch their profits multiply.


Strike a blow for financial independence. The Fool shows you how to:


· Question authority when it comes to managing your money

· Save cash (for investing, for college...and, yes, even for having fun!)

· Dodge the spending and saving pitfalls that trap so many adults

· Get started investing—online and off—with just a few dollars

· Discover up-and-coming businesses that could become future blue chips


And after your child reads all these great finance books, they might be interested in learning even more. That’s where Explorer Hop can help. We offer a series of courses that make finance fun for your kids. To learn more visit: https://explorerhop.com/pages/programs

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