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Debate Junior Model UN (August 23-27)

Debate Junior Model UN (August 23-27)

Hello Everyone! We are so close to the end of camp! 

Today we learned about peace, human rights and the humanitarian response. We also learned about data and technology and current global issues surrounding that topic! We also brainstormed ideas for our final debate on Friday! 

Tomorrow we will learn about the United Nations peace keeping missions and army force and also conduct our final debate! Come ready to class with a country you would like to represent during your debate and ideas for the two topics we decided on in today's class! If you have any questions please let me know!

Thanks! See everyone tomorrow!

- Marissa :)


Hello Everyone! 

Thank you for yet another amazing day of classes, I really appreciate everyones thoughts and ideas during class!

Today we learned about the United Nations and took a virtual tour of the headquarters in New York City! We also learned about global issues the world is currently facing and how the United Nations works to solve them.

Tomorrow we will learn about specific global issues under the topics of global health, data and technology and climate and environment. We have also created a name and banner for our debate society! Check it out! 

If you have any questions feel free to email me! See everyone tomorrow!

- Marissa :)


Class Time: August 23-27 from 1-2pm EST (Toronto Time)

Zoom Link:

Hello Everyone!

We had another great day of classes, thank you to all students for your amazing participation.

Today we learned about how to address your opponent in a formal debate. We also had another mock debate on the topic: Should kids receive homework? Yes or no?

Tomorrow we will learn all about important global issues and the United Nations!

Thanks again! See you tomorrow!

- Marissa :)


Class Time: August 23-27 from 1-2pm EST (Toronto Time)

Zoom Link:

Hello Everyone!

We had a great first day of Debate Junior Model UN! I am so proud of everyone for their hard work and dedication!

Today we learned about the history of debating and the standard structure of a debate. We also did a mini research challenge on countries and had our first practice debate: Should cellphones be aloud in school? Yes or no?

Tomorrow we will learn how to address your opponent during a debate and do another practice debate on a topic of the students choice!

See you then!
- Marissa :)


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Debate Junior Model UN Camp! My name is Marissa and I will be your child's instructor for the week. In this camp students will dive into the world of formal debating and learn all about the United Nations! 

Class Time: August 23-27 from 1-2pm EST (Toronto Time)

Zoom Link:

If you have any questions please let me know! I look forward to meeting everyone on Monday!

- Marissa :)

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