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Photography (August 2-6)

Photography (August 2-6)

Friday August 6, 2021

Hi everyone!

Well, today has been our last class, and I have to say, what a wonderful week it has been! Our class learned a lot about the fundamentals of photography, from lighting, to camera settings, and composition. 

Today, we began going over yesterday's homework assignment. I'm very impressed with the strong understanding of soft light. There were deliberate positioning and composition choices made to create natural soft light, and I'm very happy with the results!

For the remainder of the class, we created portfolios and photo collages of our favourite shots this week! You can see them here:

Thomas' photo collage:


Thank you so much for the wonderful week, and I hope our class decides to pursue photography further!

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please to not hesitate to reach out.

Jimmy Kwan 


August 5, 2021

Hey everyone!

Today's class went very well! We began class with reviewing our work with the lightbox, and I'm very impressed with how it turned out! The lightbox itself turned out nicely, and so did its results. From there, we discussed lighting fundamentals even further. Our class managed to grasp the concepts pretty well, and asked really good questions to further their understanding.

For tonight's homework, I've assigned the class to take a partner out for a portrait session before sunset to experiment with the hard light from the sun. On top of that, the class is to take the same partner for a portrait session by a window, conversely, to experiment with softer diffused light. Hopefully, through this exercise, the class will gain a deeper understanding of light and how to best shape it.

For tomorrow's class, we are going to take all our favourite photos taken this week and compile it into a portfolio/photo collage! I'm excited to see the class' favourite photos this week laid out for all to see.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me via email.

See you all tomorrow!



August 4, 2021

Hi everyone!

Today, we went over some fundamentals to composition. We learned two really important and nifty tricks: the rule of thirds and frames within a frame. These techniques are great for understanding the fundamentals of composition, and our class got a great handle of it. 

On top of that, we made our DIY lightbox today! I'm super proud of how the class handled the project, and the lightbox turned out great! For tonight's homework, I assigned the class to experiment with the lightbox, playing with different positions and lighting setups.

For tomorrow's class, we are going to build off our class' discoveries with the lightbox and talk about lighting in photography? How do we control lighting, and how can we adapt our photos and compositions to give them the best light possible? We're going to go through these fundamentals tomorrow!

Overall, today's class went great, and I'm excited for tomorrow's class!

Take care everyone, and be sure to email me if there are any questions or concerns.



August 3, 2021

Hey everyone!

Today we discussed some pretty complex photography concepts. We talked about exposure and three important camera settings that control light and depth of field: shutter speed, aperture, and ISO. These are really complex fundamentals, but our class understood it with ease! I'm very impressed with the insightful questions and comments shared in class. For homework, I asked the class to experiment with Shutter Speed or Aperture. I'm excited to see what they come up with!

For tomorrow's class, we're going to go over some basic composition tricks, and make our DIY lightbox! As a friendly reminder, here are the materials needed: 

  1. cardboard box (18 x 18 x 24 inch would be ideal, but a smaller box work)
  2. Parchment paper (clear and translucent)
  3. Bight white poster board
  4. Scissors
  5. Tape
  6. Any 2 lamps available (fluorescent light bulbs preferred, but not necessary to understand the project). 
  7. A free space for them to take photos.

Kindly let me know via email if these materials won't be available tomorrow. Other than that, I'm excited for tomorrow's class! I'm very impressed with our class' progression in understanding photography!

Take care!



August 2, 2021

Hey everyone!

Today's introductory lesson to Photography went great! I'm very glad to see the class ask a lot of questions and show lots of engagement.

We discussed the meaning of the subject, and the importance of finding intention and purpose when a photographer picks up a camera. Moving forward, whenever our class picks up their camera, the class it going to ask, "what is it that I'm shooting? And why?" Once these questions are answered, the class will be well on its way to capture great photos!

Additionally, we also briefly touched upon phone settings to help build an understanding of the inner workings of digital photography.

For homework, I asked the class to explore their environment around them and take a photo of anything that sticks out to them, as well as to play around with angles and composition. Additionally, I asked them to think about an existing photo that means something to them. 

Tomorrow, we are going to go over the photos our class takes and chooses. I'm super excited to see what the class brings tomorrow! After that, we will delve into some more advanced camera settings, such as shutter speed, aperture, and ISO, and how they all interact to make stunning photography.

Thanks for the awesome first class! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. 

Take care,



Hey everyone!

My name is Jimmy, and I'll be your instructor for the week! A little bit about me, I'm a freelance photographer and a recent graduate of Ryerson University's Media Production program. I have a huge passion for sharing my love for photography, and I look forward to inspiring the next generation of photo snappers! 

This week, we'll be doing a lot of hands on work, as well as exploring the fundamentals of photography. We'll be learning concepts like composition, the rule of thirds, camera settings, lighting, and more! We'll also be making a DIY phone tripod as well as a DIY Lightbox, to carry over for your child's future photography endeavors.

What your child will need throughout the week:

  1. A camera! (DSLR is preferred, but a film camera or even a phone with a camera will also work).
  2. A SD card (if using a DSLR to capture photos).
  3. If using a phone, download ProCam Lite or any app with manual camera controls.
  4. For Monday's class: a paper/plastic cup and scissors (We're making a DIY iPhone tripod!)
  5. For Wednesday's class: a cardboard box (18 x 18 x 24 inch would be ideal, but a smaller box work), parchment paper (clear and translucent), bight white poster board, scissors, tape, and any 2 lamps available (fluorescent light bulbs preferred, but not necessary to understand the project). We're making a DIY Lightbox! 
  6. A free space for them to take photos.
Materials for #4 and #5 can be found in most homes, or bought really cheap at stationary stores. If these materials cannot be available come next week, kindly let me know, so I can adjust the curriculum accordingly. 

Our class will take place from August 2 - August 8 at 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM EST (Toronto time). Below is the zoom link:

The line will open 10 minutes before the class starts.  Please ensure you have a Zoom account and are able to connect. 


If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out! 

See you Monday! 



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