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Young Entrepreneurs Level 2 (July 26 - 30)

Young Entrepreneurs Level 2 (July 26 - 30)

Day 5 (July 30):

Hello everyone, unfortunately today was the last day of the program. 

The kids had an amazing show and all of their hard work really showed in their presentations! 

I hope to see them again in any program this summer :)

Have a great weekend!


Day 4 (July 29):

Please don't forget to purchase tickets for tomorrow's show!!

Use this link: https://explorerhop.com/products/da-canadian-boyz?variant=40936417034409

Today the kids did an extensive research about the show's topics - Canadian history, fun facts, and attractions.

They then created amazing slides to present at the show!

Tomorrow we will have our show and learn about a sales pitch. 

Hope to see you all in the show!


Day 3 (July 28):

Hello everyone!

In today's class we learned about defining a problem ,finding a solution and doing the appropriate research of the target market. 

We also had a PR campaign where the kids wrote letter to new reporters about their business, inviting them to attend the show!

Tomorrow the kids will build and create the material for the show that's on Friday.

Please don't forget to support your kids, and purchase tickets HERE: https://explorerhop.com/products/da-canadian-boyz?variant=40936417034409

Have a great day!


Day 2 (July 27):

Hey everyone, today was another great day!

Today we worked on defining our brand strategy, designing the product page, coming up with a pricing strategy, and writing the product description. 

Tomorrow we will do research and work on our PR campaign.

See you all tomorrow!


Day 1 (July 26):

Hello everyone, what a great first day we had!

In today's class we learned about local and global businesses, what makes a business international, and what is globalization.

The kids came up with a business idea and name: Da Canadian Boys - a show about Canada, which you will be able to purchase tickets for!

They chose a charity to donate the money to: The Canadian Mental Health Association.

And the also designed an amazing logo for their show!

Tomorrow, we will work on research, product description, and pricing strategies. 

See you tomorrow!


Hello Everyone!

Welcome to Young Entrepreneurs level 2!

My name is Nelly and I will be your child's entrepreneurship coach for the week. During this class we will learn all about the how to create a business, the parts of a company, marketing, and so much more so I cannot wait to hear all of your great ideas! 

Zoom link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82424145678

Class time: July 26 - 30, 2:30pm - 4:30pm EST (Toronto time) 

See you soon!


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