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Summer Camp 2018 (July 2-6)

Summer Camp 2018 (July 2-6)

Camp Millionaire

Day 4 (July 6)

It’s hard to believe the week is already over!  We had so much fun and I think the kids learnt a lot as well.

We started the day by talking about news. The children have all been following the story of the brave Thai kids stuck in the cave, so we used that story to draw parallels with money management. 

We spoke about the trade war with US and China and discussed unemployment rate.  After that we talked about buying local and the benefits of supporting the local economy and came up with ways in which we can make local businesses more competitive.

We also spoke about gift giving and how unnecessary and wasteful a lot of gift expenditure is. They learnt the chant “If you don’t have the money, don’t spend it”.  We spoke about how people really don’t want more junk at home and how it’s much easier for everyone to give cash as a present. 

The dance segment was fun as was the sports where they did obstacle courses again.

After that it was time to get wet! And was that fun! 

Our Investment Challenge for the week ended. Our first place winner made more than $1000 in 4 days!  (I can’t tell you the number of times I look at these kids and say “darn - wish I had invested in it”) .

Well done to all the campers!! 

Enjoy the summer and I look forward to seeing you soon!  

Here is the link to our After School Program. It's Sunday morning from 10.30-12 and we only have 7 spots available so if you are interested, sign up now. 


Day 3 (July 5)

Today was a fun day. We learnt about Gold and how it holds up to the Stock Market as a long term investment.  After that we learnt how to keep our money safe and the campers enjoyed the story of Edna loosing everything.  

Our new dance instructor Lena came today and the kids had fun moving.  After lunch, Ramkin came to do an obstacle course and fun games for the kids.  I think they had a good workout today! 

Our trading market was in full swing and most of the kids felt like they traded something they didn’t need with something of greater value. 

Our Investment Challenge continues with the kids following their investments.  Some kids even sold and bought new shares on their portfolios. It’s always fun to see their excitement when their stock goes up! 

Tomorrow is our last day of camp this week and it’s going to be a fun day. 


1) Kids should read about their companies and come prepared to change them if they want to.

2) Tomorrow is Splash Day. Please send a swimsuit /change of clothes with your kid.

3) We will be handing out certificates at 3.30 so please do come to watch your child get their certificate. They have worked so hard this week and it’s well deserved! 


Day 2 (July 4)

There was a lot of learning today as we have more fun activities tomorrow. Dance and Obstacle Course! 

We spent the morning learning about  Free Trade Agreements and how NAFTA impacts them.  They learnt about tarrifs and how it impacts people in both countries. They also learnt about the pros and cons of Free Trade.  The segment ended with the campers divided into 2 groups - one representing a country that grows organic strawberries and another representing one that grows commercial strawberries. Each group had to convince the other to allow them access to their market. However, as often happens in trade negotiations the groups automatically focussed on their products and putting down the other product and not how to find a middle ground.  We spent time discussing this and how the recent trade war with USA will impact their disposable income, stock portfolios and the community in general.

After a short break, we talked about determining the “value” of things and upselling. We spoke at length about the true story of the person who traded a red paper clip for a house (several trades later).  This was followed by them trading in their own market.  They had loads of fun!

After lunch we played “Tumbang Presso”.  A game from the streets of Philippines. The kids had fun playing it.  We also played something called the “Human Knot”. My first time playing this and way too complicated for my rather poor athletic abilities. 

After a break, we headed back to learn about Carbon Tax.  The kids learnt about emissions, ozone hole and what exactly the Carbon Tax is. We also covered the recent Cap-and-Trade that is in the news so they can now join conversations about that at home.

The day ended with each kid updating their portfolios.  I love this part because when their portfolios go up by 10 bucks they are jumping and when it's down by 10 they are convinced they will loose everything. Tomorrow, we will use this to discuss risk again as they are better able to understand it now. 

Don’t forget to send tomorrow:

1) Enough Lunch and Snacks for them as some of them were looking through the kitchen cabinets for food today. We find the more snacks they have the happier they are.

2) Something for them to trade in the daily trading market.

3) Read up about their stocks as we will start the day with what is happening in their companies and the news in general. 

Day 1 (July 3) 

We had an excellent first day.  I am so impressed by the children at camp today and their maturity.  When asked what they were saving for a number of them said Education and University, and one even said World Peace!  

They learnt the 5 golden rules of saving and to ask themselves 3 questions before they buy anything:

Do I need it?

Will I use it?

Will I enjoy it? 

This was followed by learning how to budget and how to identify Must Haves, money for Investing and money for Fun. 

After breaking for a couple of hours for some sports we started learning about the stock market. The campera will all take part in the Investment Challenge.  For the rest of the week they will buy and sell stocks in a virtual portfolio.  Each camper has been given $10,000 in a virtual portfolio to invest. 


Don't forget to send tomorrow:

1) Selection of 3-4 stocks, their ticker symbol and the price.  They should also have a reason why they are buying these stocks.  

2) Something to Trade with other campers.  We normally do this every day at camp because it's a lot of fun but not enough kids brought stuff to trade today. 

3) Permission to get Henna tattoos - I'd you haven't already signed the release forms please do so in the morning tomorrow. This is optional.

4) Don't forget lunch.  Peanuts, tree nuts and shellfish free as we have severe allergies in the camp. 

 Around the World in 5 Days

Day 4 (July 6)

An action packed day!

We are in Italy today!  

The day started with making pasta and pizza.  We then made capes which the campers loved to wear.  This was followed with mosaic painting, dancing and splash time!!!



Day 3 (July 5)

A day filled with creativity!!

We started the day with Ancient Egypt. The kids made crowns and named themselves.  I loved how one of them called herself Cleopatra and the other one declared she was Kate! They also made pyramids and wrote their name in Egyptian Hieroglyphics! This was followed by a quick detour to modern day Egypt where they learnt a few words in Arabic. 

In the afternoon after a dance lesson with Lena they moved to South America!  Maracas! Masks and cactus! A day full of art! 

Please send tomorrow:

1) A change of clothes as we have Splash day! 

2) We will be giving certificates to all kids tomorrow at 3.30 - please join us for the certificate ceremony.



Day 2 (July 4)

Today we went to Australia!  What a fun day.  

The girls learnt all about Coral Reefs and pollution.  They were concerned to find out that a plastic bottle would not dissolve in a seafor 450 years and thought it was sad that kids in Australia can’t stay out in the sun as much because of the Ozone hole.

We made mini fish tanks.  Then they made rafts which were super imaginative! And these rafts actually floated!!

They also did aboriginal style painting, learnt about Steve Irwin (Crocodile man) and did a lot of dancing. 

It was a super fun day for them.


Day 1 (July 3)

We visited India today!  The campers started the day with doing okra painting where they learnt about creating sustainable solutions to arts and crafts projects.  After this they painted diyas (clay lamps) and we got to burn a fire in the the traditional way with some oil.  

This was followed by Rangoli where we put colour on the floor in a design. Then the campers learnt a number of words in Hindi and wrote their name in traditional Hindi script.  Throw in a game of Carrom, some Bollywood dancing and wearing a saree as well! 



NEXT WEEK IS INNOVATION WEEK.  This is the week where we try out loads of different projects, activities and start up ideas in an entirely different way.  If you have a child who wants to start their own business - this is the week to do it! We have 4 spots available so sign up today and save $50, please speak to Hasina. 

Read our amazing review on Future Farmers in Whole Family Happiness Project.  Future Farmers is an amazing camp where kids learn cutting-edge techniques about sustainability, vertical farming and create their own sustainable business.  



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