The Explorer Hop Blog
Jun 28, 2022
Forget A Lemonade Stand, Start An Ice Cream Empire This Summer Using This Simple Ice Cream Recipe
It’s summertime. Not only is it summer, but it is also National Ice Cream Day tomorrow so we’re going to have some fun with this blog. In this blog, we will be sharing a simple three-ingredient ice cream recipe that you and your child can use as the jumping-off point for their budding ice cream empire!
Jun 23, 2022
Finance From A to Z: Week 2 (B)
This is entry 2 in our Finance from A to Z series. Today's edition focuses on the letter B: for Budgeting, Bear markets and Bull markets. The important B's in the world of finance. Come back every Wednesday to see the next entry in our series.
Jun 20, 2022
The Most Important Mistakes Your Child Should Avoid When They Start Building Credit At 18
We’ve done a few blogs already on the idea of building credit immediately when you are legally allowed to do so at 18 years of age. In today's blog, we want to expand on that and discuss the four most important mistakes your child must avoid when starting to build their credit at 18.
Jun 20, 2022
Why Job Stability Will No Longer Exist
We did a blog recently on what it is like being a young person today. One thing that we did not touch on in that blog, but we want to talk about today, is the state of job stability in modern society as it pertains to the current generation of children and young adults. Read today's blog for more.
Jun 14, 2022
Here’s Some Tips on How To Stay Budget Conscious In The Present and Future
When dealing with money, one of the hardest things to do is stay aware of your monthly, weekly or annual budget. In today’s blog, we want to help you get better at remaining budget-conscious with these five tips!
Jun 14, 2022
Debunking 6 Common Credit Score Myths
Understanding credit scores is not an easy task. In fact, credit scores can be some of the most complicated and intricate parts of finance for the average person to understand. With that in mind, we wanted to help by debunking six of the most common myths related to your credit score.
Jun 9, 2022
Finance From A to Z: Week 1 (A)
This is entry 1 in our Finance from A to Z series. Today's edition focuses on the letter A: for Asset Allocation and Alt-coins. The important A's in the world of finance. Come back every Wednesday to see the next entry in our series.
Jun 6, 2022
Why 12 Years Old is Not Too Young To Start Planning For Retirement
According to CNBC, the average retirement age is currently 62 years old. Now, what if we told you that your child could start planning for retirement roughly 50 years before they actually work their last day on the job? Read on to see why twelve years old is not too young to start planning and saving for retirement.
Jun 6, 2022
How To Build Wealth For Your Kids
It’s completely natural, but we all worry a great degree about how our kids will carry on financially when they reach a certain age. In this blog, we are going share what we believe to be three of the most important tips for how you can start or continue building wealth for your children.
May 30, 2022
How To Deal With Risk
Financial risk is a topic that gets too little coverage. With all the new ways to make money today, from Bitcoin to investing, seldom do financial information providers discuss risk adequately. Today's blog will cover just that; managing and dealing with risk surrounding your money.
May 30, 2022
3 Key Tips When You Start Day Trading
We’ve done some content on day trading before but day trading is essentially short-term investing during which a trader will buy and sell a stock within the same trading day. Here are our three top tips to understand before you start day trading.
May 26, 2022
Top Three Reasons Your Credit Card Application Was Rejected
Your child can apply for their first credit card at 18 years old and from a financial perspective, that’s exactly what they should do so they can start building their credit early on. However, applying for a card does not always mean acceptance. Read on for our top three reasons a credit card application may be denied.